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Our hours vary depending on scheduled appointments.
We're open 6 days a week and closed on Mondays.
Please CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment.
If for some reason you do not hear back from us within 24hrs please email us directly:
Please include in your email the following information:
*Full name
*New client or returning client
*Stylist (if you have a preference)
*Cell or phone #
*Hours/Days available
If you're booking for color, please give us a brief description of your hair length, texture, and what's your target color. Please attach pictures of your desired look, we love visuals, so feel free to include as many as you like! If you can also attach a current picture of your hair, that would be helpful.
We are happy to set up an appointment with you, and discuss the endless creative possibilities.
THE aRT OF HAIR TEAM looks forward to styling you up!
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